Pretty Intresting History And Facts About SAMSUNG

Way of progress isn't printed in sombody's fate from born but it need to be handwritten by ourself. For this we should make ourself out of mess and try to generate our progressive mind.One of such representative and leading example is SAMSUNG.

In 1938,the western financial system was still recovering from one of the greatest crashes in its history and the second world war was about to breakout.It wasn't so rosy time but reguardless a poorly known man named LEE CHULL in korea was about to change the course of history.He founded a little company called  samsung.It was a trading company that dealt with local groceries with 40 employees and at that time the company produced noodle which was then expanded into sugar.By the late 1950s the company had moved into insurance security.In the late 1960s the samsung moved into electronics.The first product of samsung electronics is a 12 inch black and white tv in 1970.By 1983 the 1st samsung computer had arrived.This computer was about full 2 year ahead of windows pc.In nineties samsung began to rise in an intenational level.
Today many of us use samsung products in our daily lives like tv,computers,digital watches ,smartphones , cameras and so on.

Some Facts About SAMSUNG

1.Since 1993, samsung electronics has been the largest producer of memory chips in the world, in fact the iphone and some other devices used samsung manufactured chips.Additionally, in 2011 samsung became the world largest smartphone manufacturer.

2.Starting from 2006, samsung remained a largest televison manufacturer in the world.They are also the largest manufacturer of LCD panel.

3.The company spent 14 billions dollars in research and development merely in 2014.
4.'S' in samsung galaxy S series stands for super smart.
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